Monday 26 October 2015


Positive Esteem Part 2(Continuation)
     I started with the above topic 'positive self esteem 'if you missed out on that please you can go to my blog archive, thanks. Today I will be concluding on this by highlighting other strategies that enhances, build, and regenerate our self esteem. They are:
-Stop comparing yourself with other people; God wants you to be the best and have the best of life, you don't have to be or end up like others or to be average, a mediocre. Most times we are not gifted alike; our assignments are different, so if you keep on comparing, as the bible says you are not wise. You don't need to be all things to all people or please everyone. Give yourself a break for once!always remind yourself when your doing things well-don't wait until you hear it from another person
-Confess who God says you are; Your thoughts influence your speech, you have to learn how to speak positively by reconditioning yourself. Say what God says about your life even when you are not seeing results, when your confessions align with God's word you release divine laws to work on your behalf. What you mediate on controls 95% of your life, so it is important that as humans we mediate on God's word in order to gradually eliminate all the negative self image we have about ourselves.
-Accentuate the positive; Instead of focusing on what you think are your negative qualities, accentuate your strength and assets. Maybe you didn't ace the test you studied for, and you genuinely worked hard, look at yourself and say 'But guy or chick your not doing bad for yourself' , tap yourself at the back and encourage yourself, but not with pride.*wink*LOL.
-Correct your belief about God's love and yourself; If your perception of God is wrong you won't be able to receive from him.You should see God as the bible portrays him and as he has revealed himself, John 3:16.Accept that God loves you, love him with all your heart and accept his love unconditionally, don't criticize or condemn people, know that God's power cannot be limited by our past failures or experiences.
   Let us be reminded that what shapes or determines the self image we carry of ourselves is not what must have happened to you or what people say but what happens inside you, because what ever happened to you would have happened to anyone, if you choose not to internalise or dwell on it, it can't shape your life. To excel you must believe that your life has value and significance.
   Always be reminded  that your thoughts can never be better than how you think or preserve of yourself because when self esteem is damaged and not healthy, it affects practically every area of your life.
Please leave your comments and thoughts, THANKS


  1. This is another great insight for me... I am lucky and blessed to come across this brilliant write up.. Thanks chi. Keep it comming!

  2. thanks Richard...will always do my best

  3. What an interesting and inspiring writeup, kudos writer. I must say that this is the major problem this our generation is faced with, where everyone is fast losing consciousness of the creator, too bad. If just 70% of the population of the world today can only think, act and stay positive like the writer rightly mentioned then the world would be a better place
