Wednesday 7 October 2015


Often times our mistakes stare us so hard in the face,we find it so upsetting that we miss out on the primary benefits of failing(yes benefits):the chances to get over our eyes and comeback with a strong approach.Success comes through rapid fixing of our mistakes rather than getting things right first.
                ''Success consist of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm''

Sometimes God doesn't give you what you think you want not because you don't deserve it but because you deserve better,and you know what Failure is actually the spice that gives success it's flavour.
  Wondered why the great success stories often begins with several failures,truth be told behind every success stories is an embarrassing first effort,a stumble,setback or a radical change of direction,all these are the icing you need for your cake(success).When we see successful people we tend to almost imagine that it was a foregone conclusion that they are genius,that they were destined for great things without challenges or shortcomings.
Success is less a matter with innate talent and more product of preservance,a willingness to stumble and stand up again and again.We all have tried on several occasions and failed,maybe once,twice,thrice or uncountable,that shouldn't discourage you to quit,stand tall,square your shoulders and move on,try something new,do further research on that particular thing or something new,dust yourself,infact wash yourself like a plain white dress,soak it in hypo and Ariel detergent...Hehehe, if possible and move on,people may laugh at you,boo you,gossip,insult,don't listen,they are part of the obstacles you see while icing your cake(success),So remove,ignore them and continue so that the cake comes out nice.Always remember you can't please everyone infact the more you try to please them,the more you irritate them,so just keep moving and do your thing as long as your not stepping on people's toes.
That celebrity you admire,that good musician,the talented footballer,the business mogul etc,once had several attempts and records of past failures ,but the difference is that they kept striving to make success out of failures that's why you can hear of them.
 Finally don't compare yourself with others,you have no idea what their journey is all about.