Monday 5 October 2015



    The only guaranteed  life Investment a person can get involved in which am sure of is 'YOU', well I don't know about other peoples opinion.
    Do you know that YOU are the most secured and important place you can put in your time and money, and yet you are probably the one thing that tends to get neglected in life, and I can categorically say  that it is not an act of been Selfish rather LOVE. In fact and in the real sense of it, when you invest more on yourself to make it better everyday, you will by default make the lives of those around you better indirectly, when you invest in yourself most times about 90% of your future is taken care of.
    Unlike other investments,self investment is never a risk, take for instance when you decide to give yourself extra one hour of sleep after a stressful week, you immediately notice how refreshed you wake up,or when you decide to add extra amount to that savings account, it increases your financial ability even though it maybe little presently. Self investment is the surest way to achieve a better quality of life,success,productiveness personally and professionally.
             ''Energy invested in yourself can never be wasted and energy wasted on others can never be taken back''...(Shanna Rodriguez).
    Life begins at the end of your comfort zone, because if you keep doing the same thing you will keep getting the same result, don't rely on someone else for your happiness or self worth. Only you can be responsible for it, invest in yourself or no one will, self investment is a pathway to the future we have aspired for or envisaged.

              ''If you don't build your dreams,someone else will hire you to build theirs'' 
    When you keep investing in yourself you gradually get closer to your dream, long term or short term.
1. Develop your skill: This includes educationally, business sphere, writing, speaking, etc. Anything you know your good at, it may not be what you have studied in school, or something related to your present job. why not get registered for that advanced course in your area of interest, start from somewhere before you know it days becomes weeks, weeks become months, months become  years and your making good progress.Stop the procrastination,wishing for things,imagining what would have happened if you did that or had that, take a step today.
2. Have a desire to expand your knowledge: Read books, articles, white papers, be interested in anything related to the talent or skill you want to work on. Be abreasted on the latest trend or advancements, subscribe to publications, attend conferences, go online frequently to get educative information.
3.Set weekly goals: What are your priorities every week? This personal investment goes along way to enhance our abilities, don't spend your time on frivolities. Set out things you intend to accomplish everyday,week and see how impressed you would be of yourself. This week fight back the chaos by setting one main goal that you want to have accomplished in seven days.
4.Start a habit: Habit  here refers to something positive that will build your life to be better than the present.. you can choose to do any of the following;
                                 Learn something new maybe in a different field from your specialisation
                                 Reach out to an influencer regularly
                                 Brainstorm Ideas
         Now you have read this,i will need your feed back n thoughts.Thank you
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