Tuesday 6 October 2015



 You have an unlimited Learning capacity Says Dr Caroline Leaf of Johannesburg in her book ''Who Switched Off My Brain''. She says that ''The brain isn't limited by the number of cells (neurons) you have been born with, so there is no way you can wear it out''.
    It doesn't matter how clever (or not) you are in the eyes of other people: if you constantly use more of your brain capacity to understand and store information, you will become smarter. In fact your brain storage capacity is so great that you would need about three million years to use it up.

    Ever wondered why we quickly forget names, lists (especially women, that market list that makes you do a lot of impulse buying)Hehehe... and in some cases numbers?  And on the other hand our brain is quick to remember clear and bright images such as a movie we watched, the position of a tree with edible fruits, or even the picture of an animal that attacked you.
   Research has shown that the more you use your memory the better it gets, so as you age, endeavor to give your brain new and healthy challenges to keep it fit but the truth is just as a good, and strong body doesn't happen overnight so also a good brain development, stimulation and growth requires dedication. The brain deteriorates through lack of use, boredom or through fear of tackling something new, the law of  'Use it or Lose it' applies to the brain as much as it applies to the limb in cast.
    The brain doesn't stop functioning well at the age of 20-40 or even 80 as long as it is stimulated and challenged properly (except of course it is injured as a result of an accident)The older you get the more active your brain is meant to be because you are more experienced in diverse aspects of life ''good and bad'', but the usual trend especially in Africa is a situation where an adult in his /her late 30's and early 40's start feeling all old and grey with a sense of his/her inability to do certain things.
    Your only limited by your mind not your age...why not try one of these few tips:
1. Learn to relax
2. Drink a lot of water early in the morning after you wake up and after eating.
3.Learn to exercise atleast thirty minutes a day
4.Focus on things your really interested in
5.Reduce everything that breaks your concentration.
    Always keep your brain active, it has various and diverse capabilities you can't even imagine despite your age, make frantic efforts to challenge your brain every time and most importantly Positively.
Thank you

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