Tuesday 6 October 2015


POSITIVE SELF ESTEEM:  Many people suffer from low self esteem and it affects every aspect of their lives, it affects the way they connect with God and the way they relate with people. The picture you have of yourself on the inside affects the outcome of your life, it affects our trust in others, our relationship, our work-nearly every part of out lives. A good self esteem gives us strength and flexibility to take charge and grow from our mistakes without fear of rejection.

    Our  greatness in live and ability to accomplish our  destinies are tied to how we see ourselves, we can't make a difference when the image we have of ourselves is 'Broken and 'Distorted', the state of our self esteem has nothing to do with what others think about you or wish for you, its about spending time to cultivate a healthy self esteem.
2.The environment we grew up
3.Events of life
4.Unfilled expectations
1.Inner insecurities
2.Been easily affected adversely by the opinion of other people
3.Trying to live life based on peoples standard
4.Been ashamed of one's background.
                          ''Always Say Positive Things To Yourself About Yourself''
    A healthy self esteem isn't Self Absorption; it's Self Respect .By working from the inside out(focusing on changing you), you can build one. It is very fundamental that as humans we focus and remember our good qualities constantly which gradually supresses our inabilities(while we are still working on them).
1.Accept your flaws as human: Maybe you did get nervous and blew that presentation at work-So what? Talk to yourself about what went wrong, try to address the error in the future and move on. Everyone has flaws and makes mistakes, Your boss, coworkers, friends, family, politician, even your favourite movie star have all made mistakes....they just forgave themselves so you can too.
2.Accept Imperfection: Perfection is a high goal to aim for, you don't need to start there or even end there, make doing you best your ideal watch word-what more can you realistically do? focus on what you have gained from the process an how you can use it in the future....avoid focusing on what wasn't done or it should have been done differently....Try laughing instead of criticizing.
3.Don't feel guilty about things beyond control: Apologising for things and accepting blame can be a positive quality if you are in the wrong and if you learn and then move on. But you shouldn't feel responsible whenever someone is upset or they do something wrong which is not your fault.
4.Forgive: Try not to hang on to painful memories and bad feelings...this is a surefire  way to negative thoughts and bad moods, your past can control you if only you don't control it, learn to forgive past wrongs and move on(don't forget that forgiving yourself is part of that process too), if your having a hard time forgiving consider talking to a close friend or counselor, it's important to walk through things but don't dwell on them.
5.Choose the brighter side of things: You can choose how to interpret comments and events, so try for the more positive interpretations. If someone says ''You look good today'', don't ask yourself ''What did I look like yesterday?''.Accept compliments graciously, don't ask yourself ''Why you haven't been complimented on something else or why they haven't complimented you before''. Look at temporary setbacks as opportunity for growth.
    I will stop here to be continued on my next write up here on Daily Digest  which will be (positive self esteem..PART2) until then keep having a positive and healthy image about YOU, your worth it.
Thank you 


  1. Thanks chi...Positive Self esteem is one of the driving tool for life success. We will never achieve more and be happy without one.

    This is a fantastic write up. Keep it up chi.
